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01: The "Admin Council"

The Admin Council is the top democratic body of the PoliNetwork. In this page, it's also called "Board". The Council's main group will be open to all the admins of the network. Apart from Heads, Guarantors and Delegates, the admins will only be able to read and not write by setting. A Private Council Group, reserved to Head Admins, will also be created and reserved for the following discussions: Mandatory: discussions about admin conducts and penalties. When any decision is taken it will be communicated in the Council. Optionally: discussions about sensitive or reserved matters (e.g. Initiatives with a high risk of being copied). This will be judged by the representative who proposed the initiative.

02: Composition of the "Admin Council"

The Board includes a representative of the Admin of each Degree Program with at least three Admin, chosen with an open vote, secret if requested and approved with an open vote by the majority, among them. In the case of a tie, the youngest climbs. The Board is also integrated by Carlo and Federico, who are part of the office as founders and fmr-guarantors.

03: Functions

The members of the Board take care of managing the communication with the rest of the Admin of their own course, in the case of decisions to be taken each course has maximum autonomy ensuring compliance with the regulation.

04: Delegates

The Board also elects by delegate with a simple majority vote a delegate for each of the following roles, which are outlined following the structure: Innovative Projects Management and Technical Support (IT); External communication; Events and Partnerships; Internal Communication and Growth. Delegates will operate in the interest of the Network and its principles, listed in section 08. The election of the Delegates for each role occurs approximately every year, with the possibility of a new election of the outgoing Delegates (once).

05: Collaborators of the delegates

Each delegate can then avail himself of the help of external collaborators, and it is his responsibility to keep the Admin Council involved and informed.

06: Decadence, resignation and mistrust

The members of the Admin Council, with reference to section 02, are elected within the Degree Programs with at least three Admin. The mandate lasts 12 months, starting from the date of insertion on the Board, with 3 maximum possible mandate. The election takes place according to section 02, and the winner will be integrated into the Board of Directors as soon as the mandate of the previous director of the same course of studies expires. In the event of the resignation of a member of the Council or of a delegate, a new vote will take place during the course. Following serious and harmful behavior of the Network or its spirit, each member of the Board or delegate may be disheartened by the Board itself or by the Admin of the reference study course, subject to the favorable opinion of at least 2/3 of the members of the same. In the case of the guarantors, the secret vote of the Board must be unanimous and subsequently a new appointment of the guarantor will be made by the previous one to the disheartened. The section is applied on the proposal of a member of the Board only after a secret majority vote in the same. Each Head Admin will have to participate in a mandatory call with Guarantors and Delegates when they feel there is lack of participation in the council from the before mentioned. During the call they will decide if the representative’s absence was motivated and/or excusable, and proceed accordingly planning.

07: Network Admins

Any student or representative on the Degree Program Council interested in doing the Admin can write to the external communication manager, who will report to the delegate in charge of the research and appointment of the Admin. A necessary requirement to become and be an Admin is to have a valid matriculation code or, if in transition between degree courses, to be regularly enrolled at the Politecnico di Milano. An exception is made for extra groups in the network, not related to courses of study, where it is possible to leave to administer someone who has been helpful so far in those particular groups. In the case of courses with two or less Admin, the Growth Manager is sent to find others, to allow the course to be included on the Board.

08: Network principles and objectives

The objectives and principles, as integral part of this structure, can be found on a dedicated page, click here

09: Technical details

The group of the Council will be on Telegram, to allow a series of additional functions such as open voting. There will be a sort of log of important files and discussions, on GitLab, edited by the technical support delegate in collaboration with the Council. The code of the Network projects must be open source, to encourage participation.

10: Transparency

The name of the members of the Board and their contact email will be published on the Network website. Delegates are required to complete a monthly report which they are required to send to the Council and to the Admin. At the discretion of the delegates, it is possible to send a reduced report to external entities.

11: Course Development

For each Head Admin, at the beginning, midterm and before leaving, a meeting is organized with the 2 guarantors and the internal comm. Delegate. In the first meeting, the newly appointed head admin presents his plan for the development of his course. In the mid term one, he presents his adjourned plan and a short report, and in the last one will be talked about what has been achieved and opinions about being a head admin.


Innovative Project Management and Technical Support (IT):

A) Creation of innovative (new) projects undertaken by the Network, possibly interfaces with internal communication if the project requires "workforce";
B) Management and maintenance of active projects;
C) Technical side: which includes the creation of groups, bots, Network site, social networks;
D) When you are about to start a new project then you must proceed with an open vote in the Board of Directors;
E) Social and group management from the technical, non-communicative side (which is the responsibility of external communication);
F) Secretarial aspect of the Network, how to maintain GitLab and responsibility for the secrecy of the votes.

External communication:

A) Social Media Manager of the Network;
B) Reference partner for Representative Lists, Departmental Clubs and Associations Recognized by the Milan Polytechnic;
C) Reference interlocutor for third parties, but internal to the Politecnico di Milano;
D) Network Marketing (in collaboration with events and partners);
E) Management of external suggestions to improve the Network;
F) Response to freshmen in full periods (for example the beginning of the year), obviously together with all the Admin.

Events and Partners:

A) Network events;
B) Partnership manager with other realities (also possibly with Representative Lists, Departmental Clubs and Associations Recognized by the Polytechnic of Milan, but in that case must go through the External Communication Manager);
C) Reference interlocutor for third parties, but external to the Politecnico di Milano. If someone contacts the social pages of the Network, these contacts will be passed to him by external communication (responsible for the page);
D) Network Marketing (in collaboration with external communication).

Internal Communication and Growth:

A) Search and nominate Admin (the directors of the Admin can propose people);
B) Growth in courses where there is no Network;
C) Internal communication with all the Admin, together with the Director of the course Admin;
D) The representatives in the Degree Program Council (CCS) can contact the External Communication Manager to be appointed Admin, who will report to the Internal Communication manager (role in charge of the Admin search), who will have the possibility to accept them.

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